Professional dog grooming in Arroyo de la Miel, Benalmádena

Peluquería Canina Adana

We are Peluquería Canina Adana , a professional dog grooming salon in Arroyo de la Miel  ( Málaga ). Come with your pet to meet us. We will cut your hair not only to make you more comfortable, but also to look better.

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At Peluquería Canina Adana we carry out all types of professional work for your pet. We are specialists in scissor jobs , Asian cuts and stripping . The latter consists of using trimming blades to remove layers of old (dead) hair from your dog. It is usually performed on dogs whose hair is more hard. It doesn't hurt at all and it also prevents hair from accumulating.


In addition, we are also experts in natural cosmetics for animals. All our products are 100% natural, to take maximum care of our canine friends.


We are passionate about our work and we like to take it one step further, which is why we attend various competitions and exhibitions where we can present our work. You may have seen us at celebrations such as the last edition of  "World Dog Show Madrid 2002" . Stay tuned to our social networks where we will inform you of more details of upcoming events.


Do not hesitate to make an appointment  to come visit us.

We put a lot of passion into our work!

Mascota en spa


Peluquería Canina Adana personas con masctoa en



Among the services we provide at Adana Dog Grooming, we highlight the following:

Icono corte de pelo

 We are specialists in Asian cuts.

Icono peluquería

 Scissor work.

Icono stripping


Icono cosmética

 We use 100% natural cosmetics.

Icono cajón para mascota

 We have a home pick-up service (for older people or specific cases where travel is impossible).

Icono Ozonoterapia

 Ozone therapy.

Icono spa

 Alternative therapies (phototherapy, mud therapy, dermocosmetics and spa).

Icono caniche

 We also have a selective and exclusive breeding of Toy Poodles.

Bring us your pet so we can leave it perfect.

Visit us in Arroyo de la Miel

 Calle del Pilar, 6 Frente a Parking Plaza de la Mezquita

29631, Arroyo de la Miel, Málaga, ES